OSLO, NORWAY – 25 June 2021.

Reference is made to the press release from Circa Group AS (the “Company”) published today on 25 June 2021 regarding the resolution to increase the share capital of the Company following the exercise of 851,160 warrants by Moata Pty Ltd, a close associate of the Company’s CEO, Tony Duncan. 1,851,160 warrants were originally issued to the CEO, but transferred to Moata Pty Ltd in connection with the exercise.

In accordance with the terms of the warrants, the price for the shares issued following exercise of the 851,160 warrants was NOK 1 per share, in total NOK 851,160.
Following issuance of the shares, Moata Pty Ltd owns 1,000,000 shares in the Company, equal to approximately 0.82% of the outstanding existing shares, and holds 1,000,000 warrants. Tony Duncan owns 5,480,000 shares in the Company, equal to approximately 4.50% of the outstanding existing shares.

In addition, another close associate of Tony Duncan, Penelope Duncan, owns 280,000 shares in the Company, equal to approximately 0.23% of the outstanding existing shares.
Please refer to the attached notifications of trading for further details.