Oslo, Norway – 15 May 2024
Circa Group AS (stock symbol: CIRCA) announced its first quarter results today. A webinar will be held at 08.30 CET (details below).
Progress continues at the ReSolute™ site including the civil works which started in January 2024, and which are now 50% complete. A considerable amount of the site’s equipment is already on-site or is ready for shipment from suppliers.
The environmental permitting process continues, with the public consultation expected to start in Q2. The expectation is that the environmental permit will be received by the end of Q3 or early Q4 2024.
This quarter saw an increase in commercial announcements with a partnership with Merck to supply Cyrene™, Circa’s sustainable, bio-derived industrial solvent and a second agreement with IXOM Operations Pty Ltd to develop the market for Cyrene™ in the ANZ region.
Q1 also saw the arrival of a new CEO. Bertel Karlstedt joined Circa and has a primary focus on driving forward the Resolute™ project and supporting the fundraising for ReSolute™.
Circa Group AS CEO Bertel Karlstedt said, “As I come to the end of my first quarter in office, I see the tremendous potential for Circa’s products, both Cyrene™ and other LGO derivatives. As regulations tighten globally and consumers’ appetite for more sustainable products increases, we are well-placed in our mission of Changing chemistry for good.”
For further information, please access the complete Q1 report
Investor Contact
Tone Leivestad
Chief Financial Officer
Circa Group AS
[email protected]
Tel: +47 406 39 455
Media Contact
Kathryn Sheridan
Sustainability Consult
[email protected]